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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Troubleshooting warnings to make bridge application run smoother

Little things. We ran the new bridge application I mentioned earlier this week for the client's payroll. When our integration manager program got a hold of the results, it returned warnings that were not at first easy to understand.

When I talked about it with the payroll specialist, she mentioned that two people were set up with a particular transaction code in the system, but the integration program didn't recognize it. There were also two warnings in the report stating that the transaction code was "truncated at 6".

I looked at the transaction file that the bridge application generated. Sure enough, the particular transaction code was 7 characters long. I mentioned that to the payroll specialist, who then looked up the correct transaction code and gave it to me.

She had already hand-keyed these three particular transactions and she told me the entire process of doing the payroll has gone from three hours down to just one hour. She's fired up!

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