Who wants to come to a new media picnic/party? What happens at one of these events?
The Buehlers are opening up their home from 4:00 PM to whenever on Saturday, July 12, 2008 for the First Annual New Media Cincinnati Picnic
JTM Burgers and dogs will be provided along with all the condiments, some baked beans and a macaroni salad or two, just to make sure the picnicking basics are covered.
We will be outside, but John will have a couple of fair sized tents setup to keep the sunburn factor down. He will see if he can find a wireless access point and run it out the back door to improve wireless access.
John Buehler's (the 10MinuteLesson Guy) houseWHAT SHOULD YOU BRING?
6543 Jayfield Drive, Hamilton (Fairfield Township), OH 45011 (map)
- Bring a chair, or you'll find yourself sitting on the ground!
- Bring whatever you would like to drink - Adult beverages too! (Please drink responsibly ;-)
- Bring a dish to pass or a bag of chips if you get a chance - Don't go overboard, there's always too much food leftover at these things!
- Bring your family
- Bring a friend or two who are interested in new media
- Bring a tip/trick/website/other new media item you've recently learned about to share with the group
- If you recently attended Podcamp Ohio, come ready to share your thoughts on the experience with those who were not able to attend.
If you have specific questions about this particular event, please contact John Buehler at john [dot] buehler [at] 10minutelessons [dot] com
For questions or comments about the group in general, please contact:
Daniel Johnson, Jr.
(513) 373-4442
danieljohnsonjr [at] newmediacincinnati [dot] com
New Media Cincinnati is an informal meetup group for people in the Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Dayton areas involved with or who have an interest in new media (podcasting, video podcasting, blogging, micro-blogging, social networking, etc.). Members come together to network and share thoughts and tips on using new media.
Wiki: http://newmediacincinnati.wetpaint.com
Facebook Group: http://www.newmediacincinnati.com
Google Calendar: http://tinyurl.com/2caxxp
Twitter: http://twitter.com/newmediacincy
Jaiku: http://jaiku.com/channel/newmediacincy
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/newmediacincy/
[IMG] "Sunday Picnic" by su-lin
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Related tags: daniel+johnson+jr podcampohio podcamp+ohio newmediacincy new+media+cincinnati meetup
Doggone it! We'll be traveling. Please keep me in the loop for future events Daniel -- this sounds like a lot of fun.
Sure looks like fun. Family stuff that day, so cannot come. And August is vacation for us. Here's hoping for September! Thanx for doing all this, Daniel. Really.
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