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Friday, March 21, 2008

New Media Cincinnati - iRiver Introductions

At the March New Media Cincinnati meetup, I passed around the iRiver so that folks could introduce themselves, not only to those present at the meetup, but also to folks who were not able to make it.

In order of appearance:

1. Daniel Johnson, Jr. http://danieljohnsonjr.com/

2. Jeremy Laughlin http://twitter.com/phlegon

3. Daniel Lewis http://djosephdesign.com/, http://theramennoodle.com/

4. Andrew Paradies http://photrade.com/, http://andrewparadies.com/

5. Krista Neher http://photrade.com/, http://kristaneher.com/

6. Lin Miller http://linsews.com/

7. Brent Miller http://dbrent.com/, http://sojournchronicles.com/

8. Heather Mandato http://leakybagel.com/blog

9. Angelo Mandato http://podcampohio.com/, http://angelo.mandato.com/

10. Amybeth Hale http://amybethhale.com/

11. Katy McGreevey http://gameluv.com/

12. Shawn Sackenheim http://gameluv.com/

13. Debba Haupert http://girlfriendology.com/

14. Ram http://xearn.com/, http://twitter.com/ram18

15. Cliff Ravenscraft http://twitter.com/GSPN, http://bitcastmedia.com/

16. Kristen Beireis http://virtualhelper4u.com/, http://twitter.com/…enthusiast

17. Andy Osier http://andyosier.com/, http://halftonemedia.com/

18. Barbara Baker http://kolbemarket.com/

Long distance mention of Chris Bergman from http://pausemagazine.com/

Mobile post sent by danieljohnsonjr using Utterz Replies.  mp3

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