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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Music, branding, and new media

In the world of new media, C.C. Chapman is a bellwether for me. I have listened to his Accident Hash music podcast for about one year, and for the past six months, I have caught up with Managing the Gray.

As a podcaster and new media enthusiast myself, I've been drawn into the discussion. Most recently it was about how brands are using familiar music to market themselves. Applebee's comes readily to mind with their versions of "It Takes Two" spots, but there are many, many more.

I, like C.C., am torn as a music zealot between seeing a familiar song's lyrics being twisted to sell a brand, and seeing how the actual irritation of it helps me remember the message. I would like to see more original TV theme songs and original jingles on commercials, and I know I'm not alone.

Read more and join the conversation at Managing the Gray.


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